Security Advisory: PlunderVolt, A new Vulnerability found in Intel Processors
Academics from three universities across Europe have disclosed today a new attack that impacts the integrity of data stored inside Intel SGX, a highly-secured area of Intel CPUs. It was reported by three academics from three different universities across Europe that a new attack was re that affects the integrity of data stored in the […]
Security Advisory: Microsoft Alerts to Patch for BlueKeep Vulnerability
In case you didn’t hear, another big vulnerability was reported by Microsoft on May 14, 2019 known as “BlueKeep” which takes advantage vulnerabilities of Remote Desktop Services (RDS), Remote Code Execution (RCE), and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). However, BlueKeep only affects older version of Windows, so users of Windows 10 and 8 can rest easy. […]
Security Vulnerabilities: A Closer Look at a Criminal’s View of your Business Systems
You may be hearing more and more these days of new security vulnerabilities being discovered in the news and may be wondering what exactly it may imply? Simply, a vulnerability represents the ideal opportunity for cyber criminals to infiltrate your system to compromise your data or to perform data theft. According to current data now, […]
Security Advisory: Meltdown & Spectre Zero day Vulnerabilities
Over the past few days, you may have heard of the new vulnerabilities that has been uncovered, Meltdown and Spectre. These vulnerabilities affect all modern processors, meaning your business machines and even personal gadgets that use processors are affected which puts you in risk of potential attacks. Below is a brief explanation of what exactly […]